Design the window for manual registration
You can design the window used for manual registration of scanned documents (in the following called the registration window).
Before you can design the window used for manual registration of scanned documents, you must get access to editing CFG files.
- In the InfoScan Setup window, click
in the toolbar to open the Registration Setup window. The toolbar in the Registration Setup window contains buttons for inserting check boxes, buttons, labels, text fields, drop-down lists, and group boxes for grouping of elements.
- Insert an element in the window by clicking on the button in the toolbar. An element of the selected type is inserted in the left side of the Registration Setup window.
- Repeat step 2 for each element that you want to insert.
- Move the inserted elements using drag-and-drop.
- Double-click on the element to attach properties. The Edit Control - New Control window opens.
- In the Name field, enter a unique name for the element. This name is only used for identifying the element in question in the complete registration window.
- If you want to attach properties to a text field, a check box or a drop-down list,
Otherwise - go to step 8:
- If you want to attach properties to a button, Otherwise - go to step 9.
- In the Size and Position group box, enter the exact size and position of the element, if you want a precise specification (must be entered in TWIP). This option is used for fine-tuning your layout.
- In the Tab order field, enter the number in the tab order that the element must have.
- In the Resizing Behavior group box, specify how the element must react, if the user resizes the registration window.
- Click OK.
The Edit Control - New Control window closes, and the properties of the element are defined. The input focus returns to the Registration Setup window. - Repeat step 5-12 for each of the elements in the registration window.
Configure general properties for the registration window
Before you can configure general properties for the registration window, you must get access to editing CFG files.
- In the InfoScan Setup window, click
in the toolbar to open the Registration Setup window.
- Click
in the toolbar to configure general properties. The InfoScan Registration General Setup window appears.
- In the Application title field, enter the name to be displayed in the title bar of the registration window. The name will be the name that the user will see as the window title when registering scanned documents manually.
- In the Registration group box, select the check box(es) specifying how the registration must be done:
- Automatically Get Next Document from Queue - The next document in the queue will automatically be fetched to the registration window when the previous document is finished.
- Automatically Load Default Values in Form - Default values will automatically be inserted in the registration window when a document is fetched for registration.
- Delete Queue Documents After Successful Registration - Documents will be deleted from the queue when they have been registered without the errors.
- In the Available Functions on Toolbar/in Menus group box, select the check boxes for functions, which must be available in the toolbar and the menus in the registration window.
- Click OK to close the InfoScan Registration General Setup window and save the properties.